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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

what is "AddThis" and how can i use it to learn more about the web?

Did you know there is an Internet tool called "AddThis"?  I bet you did, you see it on dozens (hundreds? thousands?) of websites you look at each day.  the tool will let you "Tweet This" or "Facebook Like" that or "share on LinkedIn!".
Well, I just found out (while doing some research anyway) that they have a website.  "", kinda obvious, really.  You should check it out.  If you have a space on the 'net you might want to consider adding the "AddThis" tool to your space, they have some nice looking analytics.
TO BE 100% CLEAR.  AddThis did not approach me to write this article.  I am NOT writing about AddThis, I am simply using their Services List as a resource.  My original plan was to use Wikipedia as a resource and make a list of social networking sites, that is where my fun started...

Did you know...? (links are to Wikipedia definitions)
There are Social Networking sites?  Of course you did.  How about Blogging Platform?  Well, yes Chester.  Please stop asking stupid questions.  (Remember reader, there ARE NO stupid questions.  Just stupid people who don't ask questions)  OK, so you knew about those.  I didn't know about Bookmarking Sites(services), did you?  (It's called "Social Bookmarking")  why would I need a website for bookmarks?  My web browser handles that! But what if I'm on a different PC? or what about my smartphone? or what if I want to SHARE this bookmark?  OK, so now we have Bookmarking Sites (services), new one for me but I bet I can find a way to use it to help me get a job!    What about Social News?  I thought all news was social?  or Aggregators?  And not all Social Networking sites or Blogging Platforms are the same, some specialize or even have different features than others.
Ok.  I am an OCD kinda guy.  I like to organize things and define them and make lists.  So I am gonna do A LOT of work for you!  Just because I am a helpful kinda guy.
I plan over the next few weeks (or however long it takes!) to go through the list I found on Wikipedia and the list I found on AddThis and I plan to categorize and define all of those sites.  Just because I am an OCD kinda guy.  I might even write a short review of a few sites and/or subjects.  This list is over 350 items long so it will take me some time.  I will first categorize the list.  Then I will break it down by category and start reviewing sites. I WILL NOT REVIEW OR EVEN POST ALL THE SITES.  I am sure many of them are for school students, dating, or other social activities that do not interest me.  I will be looking for the site and/or tool that will help me (AND YOU) FIND A JOB  (like my friend RK says, "Not just A JOB but THE JOB").  If it can be used to help me or someone find a job, I'll talk about it.

How does this help YOU, my faithful reader???  Well, if you didn't know about a site or service, you will when I am through.  quick example, did you know there were social networking sites out there that are designed to help you learn a new language?  How you ask? By pairing you up with someone that speaks that as their first language.  WOW!

Keep watching this blog folks.  Watch my Twitter account and maybe even my LinkedIn account too.  I will always post update alerts on my Twitter account, and I may start posting them on LI as well.

I'll see you soon with LOTs of interesting new information.

P. S.  Feel free to reach out to me if you want to help me out with the research.  I'm ALL about giving credit where it's due, so if you do help, I'll paste your name everywhere it should be!

(Remember to ignore this, it's just all my tags.  No need to read this, its just SEO. Employeer, internet, Job, Jobseeker, Lifehacker, Online Reputation Management, ORM, Recruiter, Social media, Wikipedia, chester, chester paul, chester paul lohman, paul, paul lohman, lohman, trainer, manager, Landing page, internet, internet tools, blog, blogging, bookmark, bookmarking,  email, IM, shopping, social network, social networking, social news)

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