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Friday, February 11, 2011

So, who is this "Chester Lohman" anyway???

I figure that the first post here should be a little bit about me.  You can see from the "about me" section that I've been working at some job, of some kind, for a long time (I'm in my 30's now).  What else is there to know about me???
I'm married, I love my wife more than I thought possible.  I was married before, follies of young lust and all that. My first wife and I are still friends.  We don't talk much but we don't try to burn each others house down either.  I met my current (and last!) wife through a friend.  I knew she was 'the one' the first time I saw her.  It's been bliss ever since.  Lucky me, I think she kinda likes me too!
I have two kids.  They are both in grade school and really good kids.  they get in trouble from time to time, try not to finish their dinner, make me tell them something 5000 times and all the usual kid stuff but I'm not searching their room for crack pipes so I think I'm doing OK as a dad.  Speaking of being a dad, I.  LOVE.  IT!!!!!  Life as a Dad is 1000% more rewarding than I ever thought possible.  I am reminded each and every day that I have a part in shaping who these little people will grow into as adults.  It's an awesome responsibility and the most rewarding job, ever.
I love tech.  All kinds of tech, computers, phones, new ways that tech affect our lives.  Everything about tech is amazing to me.  I have a phone with a processor thats just as fast as my kiddo's laptops!!! (both are 1Ghz but obviously very different processors).  How did things move so fast?  I remember when that laptop was MINE and I was proud of it!  I love watching Android SMOKE the iPhone too, I'm not a big fan of Mr. Jobs but I won't go into that.
I love cars.  Old cars are best but new cars interest me as well.  I'm excited to see the new Fiat, can't wait for an opportunity to test drive one of those babies!  I like the new Challenger and the Camero but I'm disappointed in both as well.  I drool over every piece of 60's & 70's Detroit steel I can get close to.  Old Fords, Chevy's, Dodge's it doesn't matter.  I'm partial to Chevy but if it was built before I was, I like it.  The Chevy Corvette has to be my fav old car.  Love the '72 Stingray in blue with the white convertible top and matching interior.  Of course the engine should be the monster 454.
I'm working on my faith.  I fell away for a long time (sorry Dad, I know you taught me better) and having a family makes me realize that God needs to be a major player in my life.  I can't do any of this alone (Dad, Husband, Generally Good Person) without screwing it up so I try to listen to the Big Man Upstairs as much as possible.  I fail, a lot.  One thing I know for sure is I'm Not Perfect.  I try not to kick myself for it too much tho.  I just put my head down and keep plowing.  (5 "special chester lohman internet points" to the reader that can name who I just quoted.)

Um, what else should I tell you about?  I don't know just yet.  What am I going to write about?  I don't know that either.  I plan to use this space as a forum to help others learn about Social Media, Online Reputation Management and how the Internet (notice the capital "I"? that's me being funny) can help them with their job search.  More to come, same bat-channel but maybe not same bat-time.

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